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NIA 한국정보화진흥원 로고
[제27권 제4호] Green Information Systems Research: A Decade in Review and Future Agenda
2021.01.05 조회수 2334 이은경 정책기획팀


It has been two decades since Green Information System attracted scholars in information systems research. The surge of sustainability issues over the world naturally made Information Systems scholars to turn their attention to understanding how the use of Information Systems is making impact to our society and environments. This paper reviews studies on Green Information Systems(Green ISs) to evaluate efforts made in the last decade. Based on a systematic approach, 64 articles published in peer-reviewed international journals in Information Systems and Business & Management disciplines are analyzed to identify research gaps and propose future research agenda in Green ISs that include the application of psychological theory in the design of Green ISs, energy efficient IT/IS to respond to accelerated virtualization, and contribution of Green ISs to biodiversity.

주제어:green information systems, systematic literature review, sustainability, biodiversity, IS values